Meet Mac
Mac and his wife, KayLynn, have lived in Lehi for 16 years, and Utah County for 24 years. They have a daughter and four sons, ages 13 to 24. KayLynn is a teacher at Lakeview Academy in Saratoga Springs where she teaches 3rd grade, and loves it!
Mac is a Utah native, growing up in Farmington, where his parents still reside, and graduating from Davis High School in Kaysville. He attended the University of Utah with courses in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science before moving to Springville for a job in Provo as a Web Developer.
Mac is a 35 year Software Development Professional, and is currently working at Ancestry as a Development Manager. Outside of his professional career he has spent countless hours working with the local community in education, government, emergency preparedness, youth groups, and more.
Experience in Politics
Mac attended his first Caucus meeting in 2010, and in 2012 won his first election as a State Delegate. That experience got him hooked on politics and the ability of ordinary delegates to make a big difference in our elections and our communities.

Utah Republican Party
Created PrecinctPortal.org, used state-wide for the 2022 caucuses. This website provides educational content about the caucus system, role descriptions for precinct and delegate positions, and provides precinct specific pages where party members can see where their caucus meeting is held, which races they would be voting in, and who their precinct leadership is.
- Served as the Technology Chair for four state conventions, including one 100% remote convention. Created and updated websites for each convention, designed credential badges, assisted in assembling delegate data from 29 counties, and supported many other technology needs.
- Developed a rapid check-in system for county and state conventions where delegates would get their convention badge printed in a matter of seconds.
- State Central Committee Member – 2019-Present
- State Constitution & Bylaws Committee – 2023-Present
- State Technology Chair – 2021-Present
- State Caucus & Convention Advisory Committee – 2020-2021
- State Convention Technology Chair – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
- State Delegate – 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2012

Utah County Republican Party
Created and successfully passed Bylaw 11, which setup the framework for the party to endorse candidates in non-partisan races. In 2022, the Utah County Republican Party voted on endorsements for local school board races because of this bylaw. Three of our endorsed candidates won their races.
- Successfully piloted the “Open Voting” caucus meeting format in many precincts. This format makes caucus meetings more open, take less time, and offers party members more flexibility in participating.
- Utah County Vice-Chair – 2021-2023
- Utah County Constitution & Bylaws Committee – 2020-2021
- Legislative District 6 Chair – 2019-2021
- Legislative District 6 Education Officer – 2017-2019
- UCRP Technology Committee Member – 2017-2021
- County Delegate – 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016

Protecting the Caucus Convention System
In 2018, Count My Voice (CMV) broke their gentleman’s agreement with the Utah State Legislature and attempted to ban the Republican Party’s Caucus-convention System through a public ballot initiative. Mac served as the CTO of Keep My Voice (KMV), the non-profit group that worked to stop CMV. His work, along with the support of countless others, defeated CMV’s ballot initiative and saved Utah’s Caucus-convention system, the very system we are using to fill the vacated SD22 seat.
Mac’s passion for preserving the Caucus Convention system stems from a deep belief in its value and effectiveness in rigorously vetting candidates, and holding elected officials accountable to voters.
But the fight isn’t over. With SB54 still in place, and signature gathering being used by many candidates, Mac has been laying the groundwork for the party to take full control of the nomination process by hold their own primary elections.
Community Service

Mountainville Academy
Public Charter School
- Board Chair, 2008-2009
- Board Member, 2006-2013

Community Emergency Response Teams
- State CERT Council
- Region 2 CERT Coordinator
- Utah County CERT Coordinator
- CERT Train-the-Trainer Instructor
- CERT Program Manager Instructor

Boy Scouts
- District Executive Secretary
- UNPC Certified Master Trainer
- Silver Beaver Award
- District Award of Merit
- Wood Badge Staff
- Eagle Scout